Drei Solarkraftwerke mit insgesamt 85 Megawatt in Bulgarien realisiert
Die Mounting Systems GmbH, international tätiger Entwickler und Hersteller von Solar–Montagesystemen, hat gemeinsam mit dem Generalunternehmer Conecon drei große Freilandanlagen in Bulgarien realisiert. Die Solarparks haben eine Gesamtleistung von 85 Megawatt und zählen damit zu den größten Solarprojekten in Osteuropa. Das mit 50 Megawatt größte Kraftwerk befindet sich in Pobeda, im Norden des Landes, und versorgt dort die lokale Bevölkerung mit sauberem Strom. Mit dem 30 Megawatt starken Solarpark in Cherganovo und dem 5 Megawatt Projekt in Kolarovo profitieren auch der Nordosten und die Bewohner Zentralbulgariens von der Energie aus der Sonne. Insgesamt produzieren die drei Kraftwerke künftig mehr als 95 Millionen Kilowattstunden saubere Energie pro Jahr und können damit rund 19.000 Haushalte versorgen, geht man von einem Stromverbrauch von 5.000 Kilowattstunden für einen Vier–Personenhaushalt aus.
85 Megawatt in Bulgaria: Mounting Systems and Conecon build open terrain solar parks
Together with the general contractor Conecon, Mounting Systems GmbH – he internationally active developer and manufacturer of solar fastening systems – has realized three large open terrain installations in Bulgaria. The solar parks have a total capacity of 85 megawatts and number among the largest solar projects in Eastern Europe. The power plant, with a capacity of 50 megawatts is located in Pobeda, in the north of the country, and provides the local population with clean energy. The north–eastern and central populations of Bulgaria are benefiting from solar power as well, thanks to the 30 megawatt solar park in Cherganovo and the 5 megawatt project in Kolarovo. In total, the three power plants will be producing more than 95 million kilowatt hours of clean energy per year, enough to supply approximately 19,000 homes, assuming electricity usage of 5,000 kilowatt hours for a four person household.
Mounting Systems took on development for the substructure and supplied the proven Sigma II open terrain fastening system for the large scale project. Ramming posts and screw foundations in the ground lend this fastening system a high level of stability. This anchorage also has the ecological benefit that the ground does not need to be sealed, thanks to the lack of concrete foundations. The Sigma II offers flexibility concerning the module assembly: Multiple module rows can either be arranged in landscape or portrait orientation. The simple, functional design and reduced use of tools means savings in costs thanks to the short assembly time. The ramming post system can be easily removed and is fully recyclable.
Mounting Systems and the Haibach–based general contractor Conecon have worked together for many years. "The relationship with Mounting Systems is marked by a high level of trust and professionalism and is very important to us – the solar park project in Bulgaria has proven this once again. With the Mounting Systems team of experts, we completed the project within a short time and are very satisfied. The fastening system was supplied quickly and fully met our requirements in terms of quality and delivery performance", say the responsible Conecon Managing Directors.
The 85 megawatt Bulgarian solar project is a milestone in the expansion of Mounting Systems‚ Central and Eastern European business, alongside the important upcoming solar market in Romania. "We see great potential in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)", says Sales Manager Helge Tost. "The CEE–countries are and will remain important foreign markets for us." The producer of fastening systems has been active in Bulgaria since 2011. "Central and Eastern Europe is an outstanding investment location for renewable energy. The local climates of the CEE countries and the national feed–in tariffs have led to a boom in solar projects, one from which we are currently profiting and which we will continue to profit from in the future, thanks to our experience."
Mounting Systems took on development for the substructure and supplied the proven Sigma II open terrain fastening system for the large scale project. Ramming posts and screw foundations in the ground lend this fastening system a high level of stability. This anchorage also has the ecological benefit that the ground does not need to be sealed, thanks to the lack of concrete foundations. The Sigma II offers flexibility concerning the module assembly: Multiple module rows can either be arranged in landscape or portrait orientation. The simple, functional design and reduced use of tools means savings in costs thanks to the short assembly time. The ramming post system can be easily removed and is fully recyclable.
Mounting Systems and the Haibach–based general contractor Conecon have worked together for many years. "The relationship with Mounting Systems is marked by a high level of trust and professionalism and is very important to us – the solar park project in Bulgaria has proven this once again. With the Mounting Systems team of experts, we completed the project within a short time and are very satisfied. The fastening system was supplied quickly and fully met our requirements in terms of quality and delivery performance", say the responsible Conecon Managing Directors.
The 85 megawatt Bulgarian solar project is a milestone in the expansion of Mounting Systems‚ Central and Eastern European business, alongside the important upcoming solar market in Romania. "We see great potential in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)", says Sales Manager Helge Tost. "The CEE–countries are and will remain important foreign markets for us." The producer of fastening systems has been active in Bulgaria since 2011. "Central and Eastern Europe is an outstanding investment location for renewable energy. The local climates of the CEE countries and the national feed–in tariffs have led to a boom in solar projects, one from which we are currently profiting and which we will continue to profit from in the future, thanks to our experience."